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Year of Production: 2022
(Previous versions released in 2010 & 2012. Film completely re-edited and soundtrack partially re-recorded + completely remixed in 2022.)
Running Time: 6mins
Original Format: Found Footage 16mm Film
Master Format: Quicktime File (4K)
This film is distributed by AV-arkki, the Centre for Finnish Media Art:
Panu Johansson: concept, direction, editing, music (writing, performance & mix)
Ilkka Olander: music mastering
Cinema has always had a special interest in factory workers. In fact the first Lumière brothers film “Workers Leaving the Factory” from 1895 has often been credited as the first motion picture ever made. In the 20th century also many experimental filmmakers depicted the rat race of modern life in their own way. Such films include for example “Manhatta” (1921) by Paul Strand & Charles Sheeler, “By Night with Torch and Spear” (1940s) by Joseph Cornell and “Necrology” (1969-1970) by Standish Lavender. “Men at Work” continues the same tradition.
“Men at Work” depicts one average workday in the factory environment. The repetitive and dull nature of industrial work is underlined by speeding up the time code of the original material and by looping the material back and forth every now and then. When all natural movement is destroyed, the machines and the people working with them blend together and eventually become one. This way the factory itself becomes one living organism with various moving parts, some human, some not. By taking the form of one workday from morning till noon the film also hints that it could depict just any day, since in this kind of work all the days are more or less the same.
However, all this is done through humour and warm irony. All the techniques used are common clichés of postmodern audiovisual language and used widely in music videos among others. The industrial atmosphere is completed with the retro-synth flavoured audio track, which has been compiled from ready-made loops and samples and contains no actual “playing” in the traditional sense.
The audio track of the 2012 version has been published on MUU FOR EARS 10 compilation CD:

”Johansson brilliantly tinkered with the film, creating a startling X-ray effect with the monochrome cinematography while speeding and slowing the action without warning. An appropriately industrial-style soundtrack provides an aural complement to the visual action. In the end, humanity barely wins – if only through an end-of-shift exit down a bleak road to another unknown.”
(4/5 stars)
Phil Hall Film Threat, 2011 (Internet Archive)
”Kun konemusiikki yhdistyy teknisesti muokatun kuvan rytmiin, tuloksena on mukaansatempaavia maailmoja, kuten Panu Johanssonin found footagessa Men at Work, joka kuvaa tehtaan tai voimalaitoksen työmiesten arkipäivää. Nopearytminen negatiivifilmivideo luo kiehtovasti vieraannutetun kertomuksen teollisuusympäristöstä.”
2022 Engauge Experimental Film Festival, Seattle, WA, USA
2022 Experimental Film Guanajuato, Mexico
2022 Tranås at the Fringe International Art Festival, Sweden
2022 Inversia Festival, Murmansk, Russia
2017 Moviate Screening: Best of 2016, Harrisburg, PA, USA
2016 Moviate Underground Film Festival, Harrisburg, PA, USA
2015 Videodrunk Film Festival, Toronto, Canada
2015 Unseen Zinema 3, Madrid, Spain (live score)
2013 Vitus Festival, Rovaniemi, Finland
2013 Kinos Film Festival, Lahti, Finland
2012 Montreal Underground Film Festival, Canada
2012 Experimental Film Festival Portland, OR, USA
2012 The Snowball Effect – the North Finland Biennial, Oulu Museum of Art, Finland (group exhibition)
2012 PolArt2K-Exhibition, Kemi Art Museum, Finland (group exhibition)
2012 Design Kino, Jyväskylä, Finland
2011 YOUNG ARTISTS 2011 – Finnish Artist’s Associotion’s exhibition for Young Artists, Kunsthalle Helsinki, Finland (group exhibition)
2011 Antimatter Film Festival, Victoria, Canada
2011 New England Underground Film Festival, Hartford, CT, USA
2011 The West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival, Morgantown, WV, USA
Images below are meant for web preview only. Full quality press images can be downloaded here.

2022 Inversia Festival, Murmansk, Russia
2015 Unseen Zinema #3, Madrid (Spain). The film was performed with an alternative live score by ELÍAS E IGNACIO.

Check the photos of the event on Facebook here: